







BigMat is a hardware store, building materials vendor, and transportation services provider with multiple branches in Spain. The company installed 6,300 SOLUM electronic shelf labels in different sizes.




The company was looking for ways to keep prices up to date in a simplified manner. This is reasonable as they are finding it difficult to manage paper tags for their stores, which is why they decided to digitize product tags. 

Additionally, BigMat needs a software and system that will allow them to monitor and manage all of the numerous digital labels they intend to install.




After installing digital price tags, BigMat said that they can now display more information thanks to SOLUM Newton and Newton Lite. The company can now show stock levels in all its stores. 

BigMat is also now using the Aims software to assign labels to products. With the said software, assigning labels to a wide variety of items has transitioned from being laborious to fully digital and more streamlined than ever.

They now have ESLs for almost all products, from the smallest screw materials to the big electrical tools and workwear, and can now show stock levels based on individual size. The next goal for them is to use SOLUM digital price tags' flashing LED for re-stocking.

SOLUM Marketing


BigMat, Electronic Shelf Label, Newton
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