Express Vending
Express Vending





Food Retail

In 2020, Express Vending partnered with Herbert Retail and SOLUM as its ESL provider for its Express Hubs. The Express Hub is a revolutionary workplace refreshment solution that provides 24/7 access to a broad selection of products, thus catering to all tastes. It can also serve multiple people simultaneously and gives the staff an incentive to remain on-site during breaks and mealtimes, limiting their need to head out for the high street.



In the early stages of launching their first revolutionary micro-market concept, they were faced with a challenge that goes with the use of paper-based price labels as it would pose problems to the operation of each Hub.

One of which is the manual labor that is needed when changing prices on perishable goods and minimizing food waste. This would require the logistics of installing paper labels, cutting out paper labels, and laminating for multiple products and trays for all their machines.



With SOLUM ESL’s installed onto the Express Hub, all price changes are now being effectuated remotely and centrally at incredible speeds.

Stocks of easily perishable goods can be quickly reduced or dispatched through creating sale prices, which are highlighted in the label's display by white writing on a red background. Not only does this reduce food wastage but it also proved to greatly increase customer satisfaction.

Also, the need for placing paper labels and all activities associated with it have been completely eliminated, freeing up time and resources in the process.

SOLUM Marketing


Express Vending, Electronic Shelf Label, Newton
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